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{Benzos, Blues, BZDs, Tranks, Z-Bars, Downers}

Avoid alcohol

Mixing benzos with depressant drugs such as alcohol, opioids and other benzos can be life-threatening due to risk of respiratory depression.


Don’t drive

Benzos decrease your coordination and alertness making driving very dangerous (and illegal).


Stick to a dose

Tolerance develops rapidly. If you feel like you need to take more to achieve the same effect, try abstaining for a few weeks to prevent the risk of dependence.


Have you tried benzos, are 18-25 years old and live in the UK? Then, tell us about your experience with benzos HERE

Benzos, or benzodiazepines, are a class of prescription drugs which usually come in the form of tablets. They are primarily used to treat anxiety and insomnia due to their depressant effect. Recreational users typically take benzos for their euphoric, relaxant and sedative effects. They are sometimes combined with other drugs to enhance the effects of depressants, ease the comedown from stimulants or try to alleviate a bad psychedelic trip. They should not be confused with Z-drugs, BZP and ‘benzo fury’ which are not benzos.

The first benzodiazepine was synthesised by accident in 1955 in the laboratories of Hoffman-La Roche and has since become the most widely prescribed drug in the world. Currently, around 20 exist, each with varying durations of action dependent on their clinical use.

Prescription drugs are often best known by their brand names, but they also have generic compound names. Some of the most common benzos are Valium (which contains the compound diazepam), Klonopin (clonazepam), Xanax (alprazolam) and Ativan (lorazepam).


Dose and onset



Harm Reduction

Common substitutes and adulterants


The Law

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